I was busy rehearsing my report. I feel really awful today because of my sinusitis and fever but it seems that I would have to drag myself to work just to present it, not to mention having a very important phone conference right after.
Anyway, as I was practicing or as it seems to be, I was scanning the tv channels at the same time. Someone Like You was being shown. I think this is a late 90's chick flick, if I am not mistaken, that starred Hugh Jackman and Ashley Judd.
My attention wasn't entirely in it. But I knew this movie. I watched it from before. This was the movie that compared women to cow. I think it did mentioned something that after milking the cow, men look for another cow - a younger cow? It also mentioned something about women being used like an ATM machine.
This movie had made me laugh and it made me cry at the same time. Well, it's a chick flick for crying out loud! It always follow the same ingredients. And it always makes us feel good at the end.
I'm pretty sure that a lot of women in this generation could relate to this movie. That feeling that they are being reduced to play things or they are simply being used or manipulated. With that, we accused men of being users, manipulative and insensitive. I know that it is unfair to generalize men to be like that. But what can we do? We are emotional creatures. That is a characteristic of women.
Some women jump from one relationships to another, hoping to find their match instead of waiting for the right man. Some stick to a relationship or so-called relationship or something like it believing that it turns out right in the future when it all started as a mistake. Well, some are very fortunate to have found someone that are best for them.
Whatever the endings of our stories, I just hope that we will be all happy with our choices - whether we decide to be alone and have a dog as a lifetime partner or decide to get married and have a bunch of kids.